DubCNN had the opportunity to interview Evidence recently. Check out a little piece below and head over to DubCNN for the full interview.
Dubcnn: OK. So along those lines, and we have talked a couple of times in the years past, what are you experiencing now that a couple of years ago you would have said, ‘Nah, I’ll never travel to this place or have these opportunities open up to me.’ What type of things are you doing that you never thought you’d be doing at this point?
Evidence: I didn’t project to have a solo career. It was more like I wanted to do a solo record. More like an outlet for things that weren’t necessarily fit on a Dilated record. Like the loss of my mom…I tried to put it on those records (Dilated Peoples) but it wasn’t the time or place. It wasn’t like I didn’t have the open arms from my group because they welcomed anything I wanted to do but that’s the same with Rakaa because he is politically driven at times. He doesn’t want to speak on those things on a Dilated record because he knows Babu and I don’t necessarily share the same view on that. So a solo record for both of us was a way of being off the label and being able to express ourselves and that was it.
In the process Rakaa took a little long than we expected to drop his first solo so I did one and then did another one while I was waiting…well, not waiting but staying busy. Then he dropped it and by that time I had signed a deal with Rhymesayers and that was coming next. It’s just kind of crazy…putting out a mixtape with DJ Skee [The Layover] and Dubcnn really helped out a lot and the I Don’t Need Love project [download here] and certain things like that kind of solidified to people that we’re staying active and I believe in what I’m doing as a solo artist as well as in a group. So to achieve something that broad, I didn’t really expect it and I didn’t realize it was building like that and just tried to work it via touring and being on the net and stuff like that. It’s been kind of a blessing to be honest. I’m still Dilated, first and foremost but this outlet and the solo stuff I’m doing is really good therapy for me as well.
Continue reading the full interview at DubCNN...
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