The Smoking Section recently had the opportunity to interview TiRon & Ayomari about their recent album, A Sucker For Pumps. TSS reviewed the album earlier and gave it one of their highest rating ever, 4.5 Cigs (out of 5). Check out a preview of the interview below and click through to read the entire interview at The Smoking Section.
TSS: What would say inspired you guys to make A Sucker for Pumps?
TiRon: Really, we had done all these relationship songs like “Ms. Right” and “Sidney” and so many relationship-esque records that were kind of different anyways, so we thought “what if we did like a whole album on it?” Because there’s been a trend in Hip-Hop. There’s been a lot of bullsh*t like ‘I’ll buy you the moon and the stars and all this other stuff’ and then there was ‘f**k b*tches, get money.’” Anger isn’t necessarily that cut and dry and love ain’t that cut and dry. Basically we wanted to make an album with all of that gray in between.
TSS: How much of the album was inspired by real-life events that you guys experienced?
TiRon: For me personally, all of it.
Ayomari: Some of mine, not necessarily personal, but from friends too.
TSS: Got it. What artists would you say influenced this project specifically?
Ayomari: A lot of things really. Obviously we’re two different artists so we have different things that we brought to the table, but as far as musically, one thing that TiRon was definitely inspired by was Stevie Wonder’s Innervisions album.
TiRon: Nah, that was more for MSTRD.
Ayomari: Was it?
TiRon: Yeah, for this it was more Steely Dan’s Aja. That album just made me kind of look at things different.
Ayomari: For this album, I was just kind of experimenting with different styles.
TiRon: [The] Smashing Pumpkins too, “1979,” for that nostalgic vibe. We wanted some of those songs to be old and new at the same time. You know, to have that old era kind of feel, but it also has some new stuff in it. Our aim is to create timeless music. And the way you create timeless music is to have it sound old and new at the same time.
TSS: Were you surprised by the reaction to the album when it dropped?
Ayomari: No.
TSS: [Laughs] Not at all?
TiRon: No, no, no, I was surprised that people got it. I really thought nobody would listen to it for what it was. I thought they’d take it as “aw this sh*t is all about love, this is for girls, so we ain’t gonna really critically listen to it and actually try and take it in.” I thought people was just gonna pass it over like that. We just wanted to make people think.
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